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Answer Rate Monitoring, Optimization, & Remediation
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Revenue suffers when customers don't answer the phone

Meet ARMORTM - a breakthrough solution that safeguards your number reputation and optimizes call answer rates, so your agents can perform at their peak. And it's all done for you.

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ARMOR protecting your team's number reputation and answer rates
PhoneBurner Logo

“81% of sales professionals believe their companies lose revenue due to spam flags”

Sales Industry Survey

Businesses are
facing an answer rate epidemic

Scam likely phone call

Too many calls go unanswered

Spam flags are widespread. Carrier scrutiny has intensified. Consumer skepticism is high. As answer rates drop, businesses are struggling with ROI and scrambling for solutions to re-engage contacts in quality conversations.

Traditional solutions are falling short

Today’s “solutions” aren’t meeting answer rate expectations. Dashboards are insufficient. Advice like, “get STIR/SHAKEN” “rotate numbers” and “reduce call volume” are misleading, at best. Businesses are being left in the lurch, desperate to connect with more of their contacts.
Products attempting to resolve answer rates
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New requirements have emerged

The proven path to optimized answer rates combines Tier 1 carrier call origination, advanced monitoring, and proactive & reactive processes for carrier reputation and call engagement. But the reality is, most businesses lack the visibility and bandwidth to confront the problem head on. Until today.

The answer to answer rates

With ARMORTM, you no longer lack visibility. You no longer need bandwidth.

Shift the burden to us. We proactively protect every number you call from, deliver answer rate analytics and guidance not available anywhere else, investigate every meaningful drop in answer rates, and remediate and negotiate with carriers on your behalf whenever needed. We do. You dial.

No more worrying. No more guessing. You’re covered.

Armor Report visual of key metrics tracked